Mr. Farkas, emphasizing civil business planning and litigation, has engaged in oil and gas exploration, real estate investment and development, insurance, and a company which owns and operates a seat on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. In his 45+ years since graduating from the UCLA School of Law, he has been an officer, director, and consultant to many public and private corporations, in telecommunications, semiconductors, real estate, trucking, insurance, banking, musical recordings, motion pictures, apparel, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.
Mr. Farkas has been a computer programmer and consultant since 1973, and continues with technology and computer issues in his law practice, with clients in the computer software and hardware industries. Mr. Farkas has also served as a mediator and as Judge Pro Tem in the Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Culver City Courts, Judge in the Mock Trial Competition at the UCLA School of Law, and Judge of the UCLA Moot Court competition.
In 1981, he formed the Law Offices of Richard D. Farkas, now based in the Tarzana area of Los Angeles, California. This practice is engaged in general civil, commercial and corporate litigation in all California State and Federal Courts, administrative agencies, and several jurisdictions throughout the country, business planning, and insurance. The firm is actively involved in complex, multi-party business litigation, SEC defense, administrative proceedings throughout the United States, appeals, as well as wrongful termination and environmental litigation, business organization, maintenance, and commercial transactions.
• INDIVIDUALS: Contracting parties; business formation, strategy and maintenance; partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, corporations (private and public); investors and investment advisors; litigants in all California State and Federal Courts; attorneys in litigation or disciplinary proceedings; family law, marital agreements, dissolutions; wills, trusts, estates
• GENERAL BUSINESS: Negotiation, drafting of partnership agreements, formation and maintenance of limited liability companies, corporations; contracts, leases; employment, non-competition contracts, litigation; unfair business practice; real estate; retail stores, centers; food & beverage manufacturers, distributors; public and private security services and consultants
• LITIGATION: Litigation in State and Federal Courts; appeals before State, Federal Appellate Courts, United States Supreme Court; United States Tax Court; United States Bureau of Land Management; California State Bar Court; administrative law courts nation-wide; mediation, arbitration
• BANKING: Banks, finance, mortgage companies; registered investment advisors; financial, banking assistance, litigation; Securities and Exchange Commission litigation
• COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY: Publicly-traded integrated circuit designers and manufacturers and medical equipment companies; satellite communications; data storage designers, computer programmers, gaming and application ("app") developers, software, hardware designers, distributors, manufacturers; website designers, online music, podcast and content providers, solar, thermal energy; oil & gas; transportation and freight technology
• MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT: Performing and recording artists, Grammy award winners, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame winners; national, international record companies; entertainment financing; composers, publishers, book authors; motion picture, stage, television actors; stuntmen and stunt coordinators; producers; directors; choreographers
• INSURANCE: Insurance defense, claims; bad faith litigation, negotiation, appeals; administrative hearings nation-wide, insurance and annuity brokers and agents, licensing, reporting, governmental compliance
• REAL ESTATE: Developers, builders, contractors; national real estate consulting and advisory firms, lenders, financing companies; property management and maintenance organizations; crowdfunding; realtors, landlords, tenants, brokers
• RESTAURANTS, FOOD & BEVERAGE: Restaurant formation, maintenance and licensing; private placements; compliance, leases, contracting; international food & beverage manufacturers, distributors; international bottled water distributors
• SPORTS: Professional baseball, football players and boxers; National and American league contestants, contracts, product licensing; Super Bowl ringholders; Hall of Fame managers, trainers, promoters, professional sports agents; gymnastics, swimming
• CLOTHING, APPAREL: Clothing and handbag designers; apparel manufacturers, retailers, and distributors; jewelers and jewelry designers